Hello,asslamualaikum my full name is sitinur athirah binti mohammad and yes the siti' and nur' does not have a gap in between,i guess my parents wanted it to be speacial hence the sitinur',
im the second child,iv got an elder and a younger sister she's anoying but i miss her alot,the above is her picture.
This is going to sound boring and pretentious but i kinda think architectural history is interesting,i bet you think im just saying this.anyway i like the stories behind the buildings and why its build like that.
After reading about china during pn.suzana's lessons i can honestly say that i find courtyard houses to be super awesome becouse of its privacy..explains the background of my blog skecthings of courtyard houses..
owh and i also think that rock cut tombs are something very admirable..i mean come on..cutting rocks with only hand tools?and the detailing?wow..
Like the saying 'absence makes the heart grow stronger', the only thing i miss more than ever this week is my family. in my head when the words home crosses my mind the only thing that keeps playiong over and over again is how sweet it is to be right back home, the thought to sweet i cannot explain in words. as the title speaks for itself we appreciatte the things we lack in and forget to enjoy whats happening at the moment. Later, during the long holidays i am sure that i'l miss the 'student life', but for now the, family, home, room is all i can ask for.